3. Going Within
Change is Possible Betsy Koos Change is Possible Betsy Koos

3. Going Within

I have been asked how I work with people to "go within". Today, I would like to share what I do with my clients. Going within is certainly a new experience for many. To begin, it is critical for my clients to ask the Part of themselves that generates unwanted responses, "What do you want?"

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5. Resistance
Change is Possible Betsy Koos Change is Possible Betsy Koos

5. Resistance

Last week, I referred to RESISTANCE and its role in the mental health profession. As a review, the concept of resistance is applied to the reaction of clients who do not change or let go of their defense mechanisms. These individuals are referred to as “resistant clients.”

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14. Effective Parenting, Part I
Change is Possible Betsy Koos Change is Possible Betsy Koos

14. Effective Parenting, Part I

When I worked in the Chicago area from 1971 through 1986, I had two internships for graduate school and then was employed at several different family therapy agencies. Training therapists to learn effective tools for helping troubled children and their families was the main focus.

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16. Effective Parenting, Part III
Change is Possible Betsy Koos Change is Possible Betsy Koos

16. Effective Parenting, Part III

It is the parent’s job to help their children develop into contributing members of society. Guiding children to use and develop the forward-thinking part of their brains, and thus teaching them that there are repercussions for their actions when breaking rules, is an essential parental responsibility.

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17. Effective Parenting, Part IV
Change is Possible Betsy Koos Change is Possible Betsy Koos

17. Effective Parenting, Part IV

When parents give children choices to begin with and children receive positive reinforcement for doing the things they are supposed to do, coupled with short-term immediate consequences for making the “wrong” choice, children learn that the next time, they would rather make the better choice.

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18. Change is Possible
Change is Possible Betsy Koos Change is Possible Betsy Koos

18. Change is Possible

I want you to know that it is possible to change unwanted thoughts, feelings, behaviors and beliefs, creating choices to live the life you desire. For lasting change, we need to work with underlying unconscious patterns and programs we experience as unwanted feelings that repeatedly recreate our problems. Outdated and ineffective old tapes from our childhood are playing in our head, directing our thoughts and controlling our experiences.

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19. More on Change is Possible
Change is Possible Betsy Koos Change is Possible Betsy Koos

19. More on Change is Possible

This seems obvious; however, I need to say it: Change can’t and won’t happen unless and until we do something different. The challenge is that we often want change, but we don’t want to do anything different to contribute to facilitating change. People tend to want to keep doing what is familiar and comfortable and often don’t want to let go of old patterns and responses.

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