2. You Are Not Your Diagnosis
If you have previously been in the mental health system, you most likely have been given a diagnosis.
I want you to know, you are not your diagnosis!
Medical and mental health professionals are required to give a diagnosis during your initial visit in order to bill insurance companies and give direction to a Psychiatrist to identify which medications to prescribe. It is common for professionals to define you based on your diagnosis. Unfortunately, this can eventually determine your own sense of identity.
In contrast, I have found it difficult to find solutions when focusing on what is “wrong” with my clients. Instead, I want to help them find new ways to respond to their circumstances with more positive choices. Where developing a diagnosis involves chunking up, success therapy involves chunking down and determining the contributing factors that are occurring that keep someone operating in a persistent problem state.
As a psychotherapist, my job is to help my clients get results as they reach toward their goals. If they aren’t making progress, I assist in clarifying what is needed and facilitate the changes that are necessary.
We can create the life we desire!
By being willing to do things differently and better!
I use effective processes to facilitate change effectively and efficiently. The change I’m talking about happens at deep, unconscious levels through changing underlying patterns and programs (usually learned in childhood) that keep being repeated unconsciously.
When my clients and I work at the right level, change happens relatively quickly and easily.