4. Living Our Full Potential

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We Are Born in Perfection

We were created to evolve and live our fullest potential.

Why does that rarely happen? What interferes with our personal growth?

Since most of us did not get our deeper inner needs met fully and unconditionally while growing up, we developed adaptive mechanisms attempting to try to get our needs met, to survive the challenges of our childhood.

As we grow into adulthood, we continue to employ these adaptive mechanisms to meet the challenges of living in the world. This is where much of our psycho-emotional energy and attention goes.

How do we get back on track and live our full potential?

We must heal the wounds of our unmet needs, access our unique inner strengths, and learn to make choices from that place.

Our Attempted Solutions

The important thing is, we have to employ new and different solutions to our problems, rather than continuing to do what we have been doing. Our Attempted Solutions haven’t worked! Our old patterns and behaviors were unconsciously learned and generated to help us survive.

The unconscious mind is not logical or rational. It is often a fight/flight reactive response. When triggered, it responds based upon ingrained, habituated behavioral/emotional patterns. If it isn’t successful in addressing the problem, it continues to respond with more of the same.

When we try to take away our unconscious survival mechanisms, they tend to hold on tighter, resisting change. However, when we help our unconscious survival mechanisms understand we are working together to help them get what they have always wanted, they will relax and release, allowing change to happen.

How to Make the Changes You Want

Working with processes that can facilitate change, you can help your unconscious survival mechanisms experience what they have always wanted, thereby releasing the past, ingrained reactions and create choices about your responses.

Then you can move freely toward living your full potential!

When we shift our Attempted Solution and begin to work with these unconscious Parts, they are able to bring us to the important experiences they have always wanted for us:  Core States; such as experiences like Peace, Inner Well-being, OKness, Being in the Light, Oneness and Connection. This is what we refer to as the deeper underlying gift and treasure these parts have wanted for us.

When these Parts come up, learn to honor and embrace them, recognizing that they are here trying to serve a deeper purpose and positive intention.

You can start to learn to work with these Parts of yourself and experience the deeper underlying gifts and treasures they have for you!


3. Going Within


5. Resistance