9. Working with Hopelessness
For today’s article, I am beginning a series addressing a number of questions that are frequently asked in our society today. The past year has been quite challenging, and hopelessness is experienced by many.
10. Continuing to Work with Hopelessness
Continuing with my series addressing questions that are common today: There are things we can do to make life better, but it is very challenging to actually do something different when we are in the midst of problems. How do you help your clients when they are feeling hopeless?
12. Creating Change Using Our Inner Resources
Continuing with the concept that change comes from accessing and utilizing our own inner resources to find resolution to our problems and move toward our goals, I will share ways to put this to practice so that you can create changes you want in your life.
19. More on Change is Possible
This seems obvious; however, I need to say it: Change can’t and won’t happen unless and until we do something different. The challenge is that we often want change, but we don’t want to do anything different to contribute to facilitating change. People tend to want to keep doing what is familiar and comfortable and often don’t want to let go of old patterns and responses.
23. Resolving Unwanted Feelings
Many forms of counseling attempt to try to figure out where problems originated and understand why we feel what we do, which generally keeps us stuck rehashing and reliving our past difficulties, problems, and traumas. It is not very beneficial to focus our attention on what’s wrong with us and explore how we became broken. We just make up another story about ourselves and believe it is true.