Development of My Professional Philosophy, Part III
You may remember from last week I shared about discovering the work of Dr. Milton H. Erickson (MHE) and how important his work is to me. Additionally, I discovered the work from the Mental Research Institute in Palo Alto, CA called Brief Strategic Therapy where they also studied the work of MHE and taught tools for resolution to problems.
13. How Our Attempted Solutions Perpetuate our Problems
When we struggle with sadness, anger, fear, other unwanted emotions and behaviors such as any type of addiction, it feels like we have no control, and our only choice is to suffer with our pain.
21. Identifying Where to Focus to Make Changes
Today, I would like to share ways to identify where to focus your attention to help make changes to improve your life, mental health, and sense of well-being.
22. The General Cause of People's Problems and How We Get Stuck in Them
When a new client comes in to see me for their first session, I ask what problems bring them to therapy and how they hope to benefit from counseling. They share their problems and often state that their goal for counseling is to know why they are the way they are.