Development of My Professional Philosophy, Part I

Development of My Professional Philosophy, Part I

When I was 11 years old, I volunteered during the summer with children with special needs. I decided to do this because my older sister was doing it and, at that time, I did anything and everything she did. I soon realized these children were not like the preconceived notion I had of them.

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Development of My Professional Philosophy, Part III

Development of My Professional Philosophy, Part III

You may remember from last week I shared about discovering the work of Dr. Milton H. Erickson (MHE) and how important his work is to me. Additionally, I discovered the work from the Mental Research Institute in Palo Alto, CA called Brief Strategic Therapy where they also studied the work of MHE and taught tools for resolution to problems.

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My Healing Story, Part I

My Healing Story, Part I

I was well into my Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) studies and in my second year of graduate school for my MSW (Master of Social Work), when I was in a horrific automobile accident. My fiancé, Bill, was killed instantly, and I nearly died, breaking many bones in my body. I had never known anyone who had died, and I had never broken a bone.

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My Healing Story, Part II

My Healing Story, Part II

One of my friends who came to visit me in the hospital asked: “How can you manage to cope with all the tragedy going on in your life?" (Fortunately, most people didn’t say that out loud.) My response was: "What choice do I have?" I was forced to go beyond anything I thought I was capable of dealing with and learned new ways to handle challenges.

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