My Healing Story, Part I

My Healing Story, Part I

I was well into my Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) studies and in my second year of graduate school for my MSW (Master of Social Work), when I was in a horrific automobile accident. My fiancé, Bill, was killed instantly, and I nearly died, breaking many bones in my body. I had never known anyone who had died, and I had never broken a bone.

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My Healing Story, Part II

My Healing Story, Part II

One of my friends who came to visit me in the hospital asked: “How can you manage to cope with all the tragedy going on in your life?" (Fortunately, most people didn’t say that out loud.) My response was: "What choice do I have?" I was forced to go beyond anything I thought I was capable of dealing with and learned new ways to handle challenges.

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